Every school involved contributes to:

  • keeping high prestige of every issued diploma,
  • preventing and fighting forgery,
  • ease of verifying diplomas by employers or employment agencies.
„PravyDiplom.cz has been designed for those who commit forgery not to take advantage of the absence of tools used for verifying diploma authenticity.“

Further information

PravyDiplom.cz is administered by Faculty of Informatics (Masaryk University). All the schools involved in the project make a bilateral agreement with the faculty.

Each school itself uploads its own data into the system and administers it (in this respect, an automated data import from the information system of the school with the aid of XML is recommended).

Each school can decide which diploma-related information it is going to provide to the user, i.e. an alumnus or an employer/agency that the alumnus has submitted his/her diploma to, according to the example given. It is also possible to have the system display, for instance, a URL link to the alumnus' thesis.

Example of diploma-related information

FacultyFaculty of Informatics
Degree conferredRNDr.
Degree programmeApplied Informatics
Field of StudyApplied Informatics
ThesisIntegration of Social Software Features into Web Information Systems

The range of information displayed depends on the school selected.

If you want to join us in our fight against forgery, please get in touch with us using the following address: pravydiplom@fi.muni.cz